When Deloitte Partner, John Binns had to take two months off work in 2007, he found his colleagues and the firm reacted with “unfaltering kindness”. But knowing that many sufferers of depression do so in silence, John started working with mental health charity, "Mind" and within Deloitte, to find a way of bringing this hitherto taboo subject out into the open.

The firm has now trained nine of its partners to help colleagues and line managers who feel that they or one of their team might be suffering from the symptoms of stress and depression, enabling them to talk about their fears and concerns in confidence. These ‘Mental Health Champions’ have supported around 50 people in FY12.

The firm has also launched a number of training programmes to help partners and staff to spot the warning signs of depression and get help early.

"Nationally, depression affects at least one in six of us...and this figure can be higher in high performing organisations like our own."

Deloitte Partner John Binns told BBC Breakfast TV in May