Community metrics

Our community performance figures are calculated using the London Benchmarking Group model.


Community FY13 FY14 FY15
Number of community volunteers 4,059 3,113 3,204
Community volunteering hours 64,537 50,766 41,579
Skill-based volunteering and pro-bono support to the community 87% 90% 96%
Value of employee Give As You Earn (GAYE) contributions £0.77m £0.68m £0.63m
Total firm community contribution
£12.0m £11.9m £12.0m
  1. While our overall number of volunteers is down on FY13, there has been an increase in the percentage of people taking part in skills-based volunteering (96% of all activity vs 87% in FY13). This represents a strategic move to ensure all of our volunteering applies the skills and capabilities of our people to maximum effect. Due to the nature of skills-based volunteering, there are less opportunities available that meet these requirements.

Scope of Community data is UK only.