Goals and targets

Supporting growth and competitiveness

Goal Target date Achieved Comment
Increase our total economic contribution in the UK over the next three years at a greater rate than the growth in overall real UK GDP over the same period

Grow our GDP contribution by a minimum of 1% annually

June 2016 and ongoing
In FY15 our GDP contribution growth rate was 3.0% in real terms: equal to the equivalent rate of UK GDP growth.

Over the three year period to June 15, our real terms increase in GDP contribution averaged 3.4% each year. The equivalent UK GDP increase was 2.1%, meaning a ‘premium’ of 1.3 percentage points
Demonstrate scaled social impact through the growth of organisations in our Social Innovation Pioneers programme
FY15 Achieved
Demonstrated through growth in turnover and employment across the Pioneers in year three of the programme.

Building Skills and Developing Future Leaders

Goal Target date Achieved Comment
25% of board roles being held by women
Ongoing Achieved
In FY15 25% of the board roles continued to be held by women.
25% of executive group positions being held by women
Ongoing Missed In FY15 20% of Executive roles held by women - this remains a key focus for the firm.
Increase the number of female partners to 25% by 2020 and 30% by 2030
FY21 On target
29% of the partners promoted on 1st June 2015 were female, demonstrating our progress towards this goal.
Extend our fair access strategy by increasing the number of partner schools and young people involved in the Deloitte Access programme FY16 On target
Our education and skills programme, Deloitte Access, was extended from 11 partner schools to 14 in FY15. The programme supported more than 3,000 young people and involved over 1,000 Deloitte volunteers.
Better understand and measure the direct economic and social benefit of our education and skills investment by developing social return-on-investment models
FY17 On target
We are still committed to working towards this target and have extended our deadline from FY15 to FY17.
Maintain our total community contribution at the same level as FY14 FY15 Achieved
Total community contribution in FY15 was £12 million, up from £11.9 million in FY14.

Environment: progress against FY11 baseline

Goal Target date Achieved Comment
Reduce scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 35% per FTE FY21 On target
16% reduction per FTE
Reduce emissions intensity from energy consumption by 30% per FTE

*the target was achieved in FY15 so we will increase this to 40% per FTE by FY21

FY21 Achieved
31% reduction per FTE
Procure 100% ‘green’ electricity (where management is under our direct control)

*this is the last year we will report on this target. Going forwards we will identify green tariff electricity within our Greenhouse Gas Statement.


On target

98% of our electricity was procured from renewable sources in FY15.
Reduce travel-related greenhouse gas emissions by 25% per FTE
FY21 Below target
6% increase per FTE in FY15 but we are still 8% per FTE below our baseline.
Increase usage of video-conferencing facilities by 50%
FY15 Missed Increased usage of video-conferencing facilities by 35% however we missed our 50% target due to a delay in starting our video-conferencing enhancement programme.
Reduce quantities of waste production by 20% per FTE
FY21 On target 16% reduction per FTE
Send zero waste to landfill across our estate (where management is under our direct control)
FY16 On target
97% of waste diverted from landfill in FY15
Reduce water consumption by 30% per FTE

* increased from 20% in FY14

On target
3% increase in FY15 but we are still 17% per FTE below our FY11 baseline
Reduce paper procured by 50% per FTE

* increased from 20% in FY14

On target
36% reduction per FTE